Picture 143
Originally uploaded by pomgernate.
I was in Homer, MI visiting Kevin this weekend and I had a little accident on the lake. So I will be looking like a true gangster for the first week of school. I need to think of good stories to tell people who ask me what happned.

Picture 149
Originally uploaded by pomgernate.
dude, I was at homer lake and I was about to get in the lake to do some insane knee boarding. As I was getting in the water the board slid after me out of the boat into the water and hit me in the face. Good thing I have a nose to protect my eyes.
can't wait to see you friday
So great to meet you - another blog to love and bookmark...
keep in touch!
when that first person asked you what happened, you should have practiced telling a totally [false but] hardcore story that ends with "you should see the other guy."
Yeah I tried telling that and then I realized that it looks like I was the guy that got beat up harder. dang
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