Photo: Sorry, It is a little blurry. SLR camera + Biking + middle of busy chicago road = HARD
This past weekend, three of my friends and I biked 70 miles North from East Lansing, MI to Alma, MI. The ride was dedicated to Ruth, who passed away recently at the age of 89. Until two days before her death she was riding her bike. In her memory, her granddaughter organized this ride.
Six hours after our departure we arrived at our destination to sleep the night in a little motel. The next day, we rode fifteen more miles to meet the whole family at their farm. Everyone had their helmets on and were wearing the same shirts with Ride for Ruth across their chest.
People have unique ways of remembering things. Some people sit at a coffee shop and sip on an espresso to recall something they don't want to let go, while others would rather talk to a loved one about their memories. Ruth's granddaughter chose to take three good friends on this ride. There is something about the perpetual motion of biking that it takes you to a trance-like state. After about twenty or thirty minutes you thoughts started flowing.