Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fly Away

PHOTO: Pigeons in Turkey. 2006

I heard on NPR this morning that in Lebanon 98% of the casualties have
been civilians. Also, more children have died in this war than
soldiers fighting in the war.On top of it all, Israel is still pushing for more

BBC article

"Nearly 1,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the
conflict, the Lebanese government has said. More than 100 Israelis,
most of them soldiers, have also been killed."


Anonymous said...

ganked from jim's blog, traces the history of israeli action in lebanon and palestine, showing the disproportionate impact on civilians, especially children:

Anonymous said...

Funny how the news here doesn't like to show us this side of things.

Funny also how now there's a big scary plan to blow up airplanes to try to make us quit paying attention to this.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »

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