This year was my first time taking part a Black Friday shopping adventure. Every year, I hear people talking about the incredible deals they got after waiting in line all night outside a local computer store or mall. I don't think I have the same devotion/time in the day and secondly I didn't really need anything so it was a perfect people watching opportunity.
As it gets closer to the holiday season, there are many more coupons in my already bulging mailbox. The stores seem to be a little busier and people use every opportunity to check off gifts for their family members. I have heard of many great ideas this year but one definitely stands out. One of my friends bought a laptop from the "give one get one" laptop campaign. This project is run by an organization called One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) and they hope to provide a laptop for every child in a developing country. Until December 31st you can buy a $399 ($200 is tax deductible) laptop for yourself and they send one overseas to a needy child.
After my last summer of research in Pakistan I got an idea of the conditions in impoverished school systems. These laptops run on a linux based operating system and are designed to work in areas where there is a lack of a good telecommunications network. They build a network with other nearby laptops to provide internet access to everyone.
So this year, if you are having trouble figuring out what to get for that special someone, this is a great option.
p n l
I thought about buying one of those, honestly, but I don't really need another computer.
wow this is what i'll do
i wish my parents had bought shibly one of those!
Yeah, I think it is a really cool idea! When I was at that mall in dearborn I saw an huge ad for it.
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