I think I messed up my iliotibial band. This is the BEST time of the year to be out running and I am icing my freakin' knee instead. Thanks to Google there is so much great info on the internet about it.
Check it
1. What is iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS)?
2. Pre-workout stretches and ways to strengthen the iliotibial band.
mann take care of urself.
eye^2 are you going to a^2 in three years?
1. rest it
2. ice it if it flares up
3. you could use some special PT massage to clear up your inflammation
4. keep your ITB, hamstrings, quads, adductors stretched out
5. you could probably use some good hip strengthening
6. make sure your progressing your running properly and have good shoes
7. We may need to check out your foot mechanics
that is all,
lisa, SPT
Thanks Doc!
I am feeling a lot better actually but I will get back to you if i mess it up again.
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