It is incredibly inconvenient that the sun comes out here in Michigan at this time of the year. Just when school picks up again for a final surge the flowers start blooming and the roads clear of the white fluffy. I start biking the longer routes and more people start smiling as we cross paths. So I apologize for not updating lately. Talking about bikes, my friend Kevin recently bought a beautiful Bianchi Pista of ebay. I was on the phone with him for most of the last hour of bidding. I have never bought anything from ebay but I had no idea it could be so exciting. There seems to be a lot of technique behind bidding. Some people don't visit the site of the listed item, so that the site meter doesn't run up and draw attention. While others pay for online services that bid for you in the last moments of the alloted bidding time. How ever you go about buying something that site, that moment of surprise and sense of accomplishment is worth the wait.
peace and love
Those are some beautiful shots. June can't come fast enough for my trip up north! (You go to Turkey, I go up north. Yay.)
I've only bought a couple things on eBay, but have never gotten into a "bid war" with anyone. I was there when the other guitarist in our band was going back and forth with another guy on an amp head from 1976. We ended up winning and got a kickass amp for just over $800 that normally goes for around $1200. It can be exciting indeed.
Julie v. those pictures are from up north actually between the upper and the lower penninsulas.
gino: If i had lots of money i would buy things on ebay just for that competition.
I would also come up with a badass ebay name to intimidate other buyers... something like "deathsicle" or something of that nature.
Hey Khalid - I'm stealing that picture of me.
Ebay is def. up there with one of the most exciting things Ever! I just got a Littmann Stethoscope on ebay for $31 when it usually goes for $120 in stores. I usually roll deep like this on ebay.
btw khalid..deathsicle would definitely do the trick
I have been reading your blog lately.
I don't know if you noticed the link on my side bar ....
you are in there!
There are are some funny / entertaining posts on there.
way to be
those pictures are really beautiful
you know how kevin bacon has the 6 degrees of kevin bacon thing.
i've decided that you have 3. it only takes 3 people to make a connection back to khalid, at most!
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