PHOTO: A stencil I recently made

PHOTO: Light post in New York

PHOTO: Also New York
Thinking back about two summers ago I remember walking around campus late at night black converses and all and spray painting stencils at the most clever places. It was untill one day when I thought that what we did was more along the lines of vandalism than a "beautiful crime". Since then, I haven't thougth of cutting out a stencil, but just recently the idea got sparked up again.
Since then I have been able to look at street art in a different light since my last stencil adventures. Stencil graffiti is categorized under Street Art and according to some people places like Brazil are "problem areas" as far as graffiti is concerned. Of course, when done without the property owner's concent stenciling constitutes as vandalism but most graffiti is on abandoned building reguvinating an area long forgotten.
Book: Graffiti Brazil
-This book was sitting on my friends dresser and I couldn't put it down
Video: Radiohead + Graffiti = LOVE
-Via Libby
heidelberg project SAVED for next post.
thansk Irum
P.S. your hair was looking great this weekend!
hey!!! what do you mean you thought it wasn't a beautiful crime. we were creating art is an pavement landscape. i believe we inspired many.
I definitely see that now
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