Muslims from all around the world are in Saudi Arabia to make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca. This journey is one of the five pillars of islam and is mandatory for every muslim, if they are physically and fiscally able of course. It always amazes me to SEE millions of people in one place for the same purpose. People of every color and from every country come together in harmony to pray. Inshallah some day I hope to be in the same place. BBC news is keeping a very intersting Diary of the Hajj.
salaam (peace)
Yeah, I took it last time we were there. I like it.
You are right. I didn't even notice that! It is always fun to look back at some old entries and to see how things were and how they are now. I think last summer I did a post about Saudi Arabia.
dude that is one fantastic picture.
it does look like a beautiful place
is that sunset
or does it always have that gold feel to it
Gwadzilla: Thanks for the comments. The place does have a pretty natural gol-dish, relaxing feeling to it, but for this one I am using a photo filter.
sucka M C!!
beautiful. amen.
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